Houle’s images find permanent home
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Courtesy of the artist.
"the road home from Sandy Bay Residential School Series"
Robert Houle, "the road home from Sandy Bay Residential School Series," 2009, oil stick on paper, 23”x 30”.
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Courtesy of the artist.
"schoolhouse from Sandy Bay Residential School Series"
Robert Houle, "schoolhouse from Sandy Bay Residential School Series," 2009, oil stick on paper, 23”x 30”.
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Courtesy of the artist.
"noodin is my friend from Sandy Bay Residential School Series"
Robert Houle, "noodin is my friend from Sandy Bay Residential School Series," 2009, oil stick on paper, 23”x 30”.
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Courtesy of the artist.
"night predator from Sandy Bay Residential School Series"
Robert Houle, "night predator from Sandy Bay Residential School Series," 2009, oil stick on paper, 23”x 30”
Houle’s images find permanent home
The School of Art Gallery at the University of Manitoba in Winnipeg is able to purchase Robert Houle’s Sandy Bay Residential School Series after receiving the York Wilson Endowment Award from the Canada Council for the Arts. Houle, a respected Anishnabe artist, curator, critic and educator, created the series of 24 works in one month, hoping to come to terms with his memories of abuse. Houle’s recent show, Paris/Ojibwa, toured Canada and was shown at the Canadian Cultural Centre in Paris.

School of Art Gallery
180 Dafoe Road, 255 ARTlab, University of Manitoba, Fort Garry Campus,, Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 2N2
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Mon to Fri 10 am - 4 pm., Thurs till 8 pm