YW Hub in Calgary Will Feature Work by 19 Artists
A Calgary facility designed to serve the needs of women will feature work by 19 artists, including Faye HeavyShield, Janice Tanton and Jason Carter.
The YW Hub, which will open in the fall in the inner city neighbourhood of Inglewood, will serve as a 100-room facility for homeless women, a public daycare and the headquarters of the YWCA.
Artworks for the new facility are on display this week at the Collectors' Gallery of Art, also in Inglewood. The show includes smaller works as well as mock-ups for larger commissions. Most works are by fibre artists.
Mary-Beth Laviolette, the independent curator who organized the project, will lead an exhibition tour on Saturday, May 25, at 2 p.m.
Other artists are: Ilse Anysas-Salkauskas, Neepin Auger, Lisa Brawn, Elaine Funnell, Alaynee Goodwill-Littlechild, Leah Gravells, Sharon Johnston, Sharon Rose Kootenay, Diane Krys, Rachelle LeBlanc, Linda McBain Cuyler, Liv Pedersen, Jillian Roulet, Caitlin Thompson, Allison Tunis and Diana Un-Jin Cho.
Source: Mary-Beth Laviolette and Collectors' Gallery of Art

The Collectors' Gallery of Art
1332 9 Ave SE, Calgary, Alberta T2G 0T3
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Open Tues to Fri 10 am - 5:30 pm, Sat 10 am - 5 pm.