Veronica Funk: The Grandmothers
Leighton Art Centre 282027 144 Street SW (Just 16 km south of Calgary), Foothills, Alberta T1S 0Y4

Veronica Funk, "The Grandmothers," 2022
installation view, photo by Katherine Funk.
While going through old family photographs Veronica Funk began to conceive of a way to honour the many women who have come before us. She wanted to acknowledge our grandmothers’ many challenges and successes, which often went unrecognized during their own lifetimes. For the 52 weeks beginning in January 2020 Funk created a body of work consisting of weekly portrait paintings based on family photographs and stories that had been shared with her.
When the Covid-19 pandemic hit, Funk found The Grandmothers project to be even more important. So many women have survived world wars, droughts, poverty, violence, and illness. They have even been uprooted from their families and still found ways to support and encourage their children and grandchildren. Each day that she entered her studio, Funk was encouraged by the faces and stories of her subjects.
She now shares, through each woman’s portrait, life stories, and family memories, 52 beautiful, strong, encouraging women who have made a difference in the lives of their families. Remembering their sacrifices and how they overcame their own challenges gives Funk hope.
This exhibition is organized by Leighton Art Centre with funding support from the Government of Canada, Alberta Foundation for the Arts, and Calgary Arts Development.